A8 Millbrook and Antiville Roundabouts Larne
Construction scheme (completed)
Contractor: FP McCann
Replacement of two junctions at Millbrook and Antivlle, Larne with roundabouts.
Total Length

A8 here dualled - 1965
Scheme proposed - December 1998
Public Consultations - June 1999
Environmental Statement - June 2000
Direction Orders Published - 26 Sep 2001

Millbrook constructed first, then Antiville to minimise disruption
Completed - December 2003
(changed from September 2003 at project commencement)
Official opening - 13 January 2004

See below.
See Also

Location of Millbrook roundabout - Google Maps
Location of Antiville roundabout - Google Maps
General area map
- Google Maps
Roads Service web site on scheme

This scheme was part of a package of schemes constructed around the same time in a bid to improve safety on the notoriously dangerous A8 between the M2 at Newtownabbey and Larne. The other schemes were the dualling of a 2.2km stretch of the A8 from Doagh Road to Coleman's Corner; the construction of the Ballynure Southern Link Road; the imposition of a 40mph speed limit through Ballnure village and climbing lanes north and south of Ballynure. This scheme saw the replacement of two junctions at the Larne end of the A8 which had poor accident records and suffered from delays.

Millbrook Roundabout

The Millbrook roundabout replaced an existing staggered crossroads on a section of road that was upgraded to dual-carriageway in 1965. The side roads are the B148 Drumahoe Road and the unclassified Browndod Road. To provide the deflections (ie the angle the road meets the roundabout) necessary on the approach to the roundabout, the dual-carriageway on the south-western side (on the left in the map below) had to be realigned slightly to one side. You can see the design superimposed on the old layout in this Roads Service map:

These two images show Millbrook roundabout under construction (top) and just completed (bottom). Both images are ©Roads Service, and form part of a series that were available here at the time of writing (Nov 2012). The set also includes two OSNI aerial views from before work began that I can't include here for copyright reasons.


The roundabout at Antiville was, at least to observers, more technically challenging because it was situated at a point where the A8 is on a steep incline and because the land to the north also slopes steeply away from the road. It was also on a stretch of road that was dualled in 1965, but was just a T-junction, with the side road being the unclassified Antiville Road which is a main access point to the residential areas of western Larne. The Roads Service map below shows the planned roundabout superimposed on a map of the area as it previously existed:

One of the key issues was that the steepness of the A8 meant that HGVs heading towards Belfast from Larne harbour had taken a long time to build up speed going up the hill, and a roundabout would force them to come to a standstill again. Roads Service were able to preserve part of the existing westbound carriageway to provide a free-flow "jet lane" bypassing the roundabout, meaning that HGVs do not need to sacrifice momentum when going past this junction. The steepness of the land beside Antiville Road meant that the realigned Antiville Road and new roundabout had to be cut into the embankment, with a retaining wall required. The photograph below shows the the roundabout under construction, as seen from the air. As already said, this image is ©Roads Service, and form part of a series that were available here at the time of writing (Nov 2012).

Other Photos

The official opening of the roundabouts on 13 January 2004. [Roads Service]