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The Ireland Story
Historical Books & Maps

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Our Policy:
We are committed to offering the best possible information on Ireland to our visitors. That is why we have placed book and map recommendations at the appropriate places in Ireland's story as told on this site. Now we have added a bookshop to let you buy them from this site as well. By clicking on each recommended book you will be brought straight to Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk where you can place your order.

Why order through this site?
Why not order directly from Amazon? This web site is non- profit making, but in order to maintain our URL and web space as a banner-ad-free zone, we do need funding. We are hoping that this will be met through being an Amazon.com affiliate. The price of your books is the same whether you order via this site or directly from Amazon, but if you order through us we will receive a small referral fee which will help to maintain this site.

Thank you!


Only the Best!

Unlike some sites which have every conceivable Irish book listed, it is our policy to list the best. Books which are truly exceptional are given the Essential Title award. We recommend that these be added to the bookshelf of anybody interested in seriously tracing the story of Ireland. Strangely, some of the best books are not available from Amazon.com. However, Amazon.co.uk ship worldwide and accept US credit cards.

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